Friday, September 23, 2005

We Love Our Yard...

...Although we really have no idea what we are doing to it. Mostly, we got rid of the trash (bikes/motorcycles/batteries/etc.), and then we planted The Grass. Now Clinton and I are slowly adding the plants that were left behind by the other tenants in the yard. So far we have put the Jade Tree and the Palm in. (Below: the new Palm on the right and the Monica Housewarming Plant on the left- it still lives Monica!!!)

Then our new upstairs neighbor Jessica started putting plants in planters around the yard and on the stairs to her house.
(Below: the new Plant With Color on the right and Joels plant on the left)

Now, because Clinton works with some really nice people, he is able to bring home some very spectacular varieties. I think the palm and the colorful one are going in the yard itself, but I am going to keep the succulents in their containers so I can take them to the sun. ( One of the Cool New Succulents!)

Our yard is shaded very effectively by the Monstrous Shedding Tree That Occasionally Likes to Fall Apart and so sun is a touchy subject for the plants. Besides the Sun Issue, we have a Color Issue. If it weren't for our fantastic neighbors and their gardening talents, we would have no color besides green and brown in our yard. (They have some fun plant with purple flowers that the wind blows into our yard.)

I think the next plants I am going to hope for will be either some potato vines, a few hibiscus bushes, or some bougainvillea. I know it sounds funny to have those in the yard, but I see them everywhere in the neighborhood and they all seem healthy.....I may have to do some surgery on the tree to get some more sun on the fenceline, but Clinton loves to climb tall scary trees with large saws- so it shouldn't be that much of an issue...
Oh yeah! I finished the Six Days of Happy Hour Bartending With No Drinking!!! PHEW!!!! After having to kick out some drunken fool and his claims of Burning Man Fame and some drunk lady bringing in her own beer, I wanted to come home to food and a nice soft bed. Instead I came home to this:

I kid!!! I kid!!!!
Haven't seen Darin ( on the left) or Biggs ( hiding behind Clinton) and Joel ( far right) in a while. They were all enjoying themselves and we all had a few good laughs. Did you know that Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita are actually the Spirits of the Slaves coming back to haunt the south? Or that the Russians are controlling where the hurricanes are headed? Neither did I!! Thanks Darin and Biggs! I am going to give up all news sources and rely on you guys for all my hard facts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry i can't come over tonight. especially now that i'm all yard envy an whatnot!!!! but i will be haunting you TOMORROW!!! call me tomorrow morning(i'm up so early i have no idea when "most folks" get up...)