Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Awesome little bug dude!

And HELLLO spoiler!
Yes I have gotten your two letters! I am so sorry I didn't think to respond here...sometimes I really am SLOW to the take IYKWIM....
I think I may have a box at the PO but I am going to take a shower FIRST and then gather the wee one and the school bag and head over there to see what it is!!!
I love Gumby. My big sister used to make my brother and I watch it. Good Times. Good Times. Before that is was all PBS all the time...
Astronomy is fun. I am just starting to get into it and haven't really had the time to get out of the city for a good stargazing trip. I hope to do that in the spring.
arrrggg. I also am a fan of His Noodly Appendage or However it is pronounced.
I just have a hard time accepting the fact that Sarah Palin thinks the Earth is only 7000 years old. A really hard time. Like REALLY Sarah? Your highly honed set of genomes only took 7000 years to get it together? UGh. Send her back to the sprts desk please!
I do love me some peaches&cream. In fact I love it. I love me some socks too. My friend is knitting a hat out of steel/wool thread/yarn from Japan. He is crazy. Period.
And I wouldn't know what to do if I was me alone for the afternoon? Maybe hit up some art galleries or museums. Have some adult food. Some adult drink. If money was no condition - hit up some yarn and fabric stores.
Hmm..End it with a show?
WHo knows. Cause that's not going to happen for 20 years! ahahhhaah

Awesome little bug dude!, originally uploaded by pseudobunny.

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